Support Us
Let's Make A Change
Financial assistance provided by the Neenah-Menasha Emergency Society goes to pay for basic needs such as housing, utility bills, clothing, and medical expenses.
Please make us part of your annual giving starting this year.
You can make a difference!
Mail your contribution to:
Neenah-Menasha Emergency Society
PO Box 744
Neenah, WI 54957-0744
Neenah-Menasha Emergency Society is a member of the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region, Inc. and the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation.
Donations may also be made through the United Way by designating Neenah-Menasha Emergency Society as your organization of choice.
Thrivent Choice Dollars can be designated to Neenah-Menasha Emergency Society.
Please check with your company for matching contributions.
Scan this link or click the donate button to make a donation via PayPal.